
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Pro Death Penalty Essay -- Capital Punishment essays research papers

Capital penalisation and the practice of the death penalisation is an issue that is stormily debated in the United States. Opponents of the death penalisation claim that jacket crown penalty is unnecessary since a life sentence accomplishes the same objective. What death penalty opponents neglect to tell you is that convicted murders and child rapists escape from prison house every year(List of prison escapes, 2015). As I write this essay, police ar searching for deuce convicted murders who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York on June 6th, 2015. The tho punishment from which one cannot escape is the death penalty.Opponents of the death penalty call back capital punishment is unnecessary and in leave in our modern bon ton. In their minds, much(prenominal) an act by the government serves no positive brotherly purpose and only denigrates life (Death punishment Focus, 2015). On the other hand, those in favor of capital punishment, including the US Supreme Court, see the death penalty as the proper punishment for plastered criminals who have committed proper(postnominal) crimes. Supporters also argue that the death penalty is a necessary handicap to saving innocent lives (Pro-Death penalty, 2014). Based on my research of this issue I tend to agree with the death penalty advocates and believe that execution is the appropriate sentence and punishment for capital offenses. There are six primary(prenominal) rationales for abolishing the practice of capital punishment that are commonly heard. One yard is that capital punishment does not deter crime. Anti-death penalty advocates contend that scientific studies consistently fail to demonstrate that executions discourage mickle from committing crime (Death Penalty Focus, 2015). Another reason for stopping the death penalty is because it can and has been inflicted on innocent people. In addition, abolitionists suggest that the US is unable to prevent such occurrences (Death P enalty Focus, 2015). A third rationale is that the death penalty discriminates against certain ethnic and racial groups. According to Justice Department figures, nearly 80 percent of inmates on death row are Black, Hispanic or from another minority group (Eddlem, 2002). Yet another reason for abolishing capital punishment is that the death penalty is often applied at random. Politics, feeling of legal counsel and the jurisdiction where a crime is committed are more... ... it achieves justice. In my opinion, people who commit heinous crimes against humanity should be executed. irrespective of cost or how long it takes I believe that putting these people to death is the correct sentence, not only because I feel that they merit to die but because the death penalty is a deterrent and society is better off without these criminals. Therefore I agree with supporters of capital punishment and that the death penalty should remain in existence. My research further solidify my position bec ause I felt that the arguments in favor of capital punishment clearly debunked many of the reasons for abolishment by the anti-death penalty movement. ReferencesDeath Penalty Focus (2015). Facts. Web. 8 June 2015. http//www.deathpenalty.org/index.php?pid=factsEddlem, T. R. (2004). Ten Anti-Death Penalty Fallacies.The New American. 2002. Web. 10 June 2015. http//www.thenewamerican.com/tna/2002/06-03-2002/vo18no11_fallacies.htmPro-Death Penalty (2014). Death Penalty Paper. Web. 8 June 2015. http//www.prodeathpenalty.com/DP.html List of prison escapes Wikipedia 2015. Web. 8 June 2015. https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_prison_escapes

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